Stay relevant by unlocking the hidden business inside your pharmacy

Launch your Pharmacy's
E-Commerce store
with ZERO code

You can generate and own your data with actionable insights to increase revenue while providing a better customer experience.

Start your Pharmacies 24/7 E-commerce store with a few clicks

Step 1.

Select your style

Independent pharmacies are different in our own way. Start by selecting a theme that "vibes" with your pharmacy and than select colors that fit your pharmacy.

Step 2.

5 thousand + products, images, and descriptions instantly uploaded

Select your wholesaler or upload your product list with UPC's and we'll upload product details to your online store.

Step 3.

Go live

We take care of the complex backend stuff and get you up and running QUICK!

Make your brand look great (and more importantly) sell great on all devices.

Designs made to optimize the user experience and drive them thru your pharmacy’s digital journey. Take orders from desktops, pcs, tablets, and phones without the need for extra applications.

Made BY Independent pharmacy owners FOR

Independent pharmacy owners

Get a custom design that resonates with your brand
Let your customers shop on phones, tablets, and computers
Take secure payments online
Clean and simple designs made to turn visitors into buyers
Engage with your customers using live chat

(comes with mobile app)

An easy to use dashboard to manage orders

Imagine your pharmacy open 24/7

The hidden business inside your pharmacy lets you:

Enhance your pharmacy’s brand
Stay relevant during the digital era
Reach and engage with your customers on a deeper level
Generate revenue while you sleep
Increase your pharmacy’s resale value

Give your customers 5K+ reasons to stay loyal

Select your wholesaler, and we’ll upload a curated catalog with over 5 thousand products, pictures, names, descriptions, categorized neatly. AND we manage it on an ongoing basis.

Easy to use order management dashboard

Made to fit into independent pharmacy workflows. Now you can do more with less.

Analytics for smarter business decisions

It’s your data so USE it! Get actionable insights to increase your Average Customer Value.

Enhance your customers journey

The hidden business inside your business lets you:

Create an omnichannel approach to stay relevant online and offline
Grow faster and more profitable by stepping into the shoes of your customers
Identify customer needs to strategically plan content marketing
Create a smoother experience
Predict and grow based on your customers behaviors

Intelligent reports with actionable insight to increase revenue

Data is an untapped gold mine. Now you can generate and own your own data and actually use it to grow your pharmacy!

Easy to understand reports so you know what your next step is.
Better understand your most profitable customers and find look a likes.
Market smarter
Reduce turn over rates

It's your move

Ready to take your pharmacy online?

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